The most popular Asian Arowana (Gold, Red, Red Tail Gold, Green & Yellow Tail)
The less popular Australian Arowana (Pearl, spotted Pearl, Red or Gold Pearl)
The even lesser popular South American Arowana (Silver and Black)
The least popular African Arowana
Asian Arowana
Cross Back Golden Arowana
are several names for it, some calls it Cross Back Golden, Malayan
Bonytongue, Taiping Golden, Electric Blue Golden and the Malaysian Gold.
These are basically referring to the same type of fish - the Golden
Arowana. It will have golden color completely crossing its back when the
fish is matures. The main reason for so many terminologies is because
Cross Back Golden Arowanas can be found in various parts of Malaysia
such as Perak, Trengganu, Bukit Merah Lake and Johor.
Due to its
relatively low supply and great demand in the market, it is currently
one of the most expensive Asian Arowanas. The main reason for it high
price is due to its scarcity as well as lesser number of successful
spawn. Currently, only Malaysia and Singapore farms are breeding the
Malaysian Golden.
Cross Back Golden is further classified into
Blue-Based, Purple-Based, Gold-Based, Green-Based and the Silver-Based
types, implying the core color of the scales. The terms Blue-Based and
Purple-Based are being used interchangeably by some breeders since this
Cross Backs Purple Core when viewed at an angle but appears totally blue
at another. Gold-Based is one of the Cross Back with a flourish golden
color at its scales right to the core of the scales instead of one that
is blue or purplish in colors. The Golden-Based variety seems to have
color crossing its back earlier than the rest. This is one type of
Arowanas that is most stunning to look at since a mature fish is able to
achieve the much dreamed about 24K gold color which other golden
varieties are incapable of! Just imagine 2 footer Arowana, fully wrapped
with golden scales swimming majestically, making occasional turns with
ease and confidence to show that is it indeed the King of Aquarium. Of
course, there are also the exotic Green-based and Silver-Based types
which have green and silvery cores on its scales respectively.
Super Red (Red Arowana)
This is the red colored type of Asian Arowana. It originated from
various parts of Western Kalimantan province in Indonesia. The most
famous waters are the River Kapuas and LakeSentarum where the Super Reds
(Chili and Blood Red) are from. It is also one of the more popular fish
among Asian Arowanas, largely because of their auspicious color and
more affordable prices as compared to Cross Back Golden. Furthermore,
with its full red fins even when young and red lips and barbells, no
hobbyists will be able to resist the temptation to own one of them. When
approaching adult size, these red colors will also start to appear on
the other part of the body like the gill plates and edges of the scales,
making the whole fish red in color.
There are basically four
different varieties of Red Arowanas, namely Blood Red, Chili Red, Orange
Red and the Golden Red. In recent years, these Reds are grouped
together and termed Super Red or '1st Grade Red'. It has made the term
'Super Red' inferior since Orange Red and the Golden Red do not bear the
qualities of the former two and they have only comparatively colors
appear either in orange or golden orange. The usage of terms has indeed
changed over the years and the term Super Red is now becoming more
commonly used among breeders when naming their Red Arowanas.
Red Tail Golden Arowana
Commonly known as Red Tail Golden (RTG) or Indonesia Golden Arowana,
they are classified under the Golden varieties as with the Malaysian
Golden or Cross Back Golden. It is found in Pekan Baru of Indonesia. The
prices for the RTG are more affordable as compared to the Cross Back
Golden. The reasons for this is that this fish seldom attain 24K gold as
the Cross Back Golden would and the golden color of the RTG Arowanas
will never cross over its back even when the fish is matured or fully
grown. It is thus not as great looking as compared to one that is "whole
piece gold".
Most RTG Arowanas will have its golden color
reaching the fourth row of the scales and the better ones will have its
golden color reaching the fifth row. And, just like the Cross Back
Golden varieties, Red Tail Golden also have different scales base color
in either blue, green and gold. Young RTGs will have a duller overall
color as compare to Cross Back Golden which is neatly defined, shiny and
glittering with scales reaches the fifth row. Generally, the RTG is the
tougher of the two Golden types and can grow bigger in size but is the
more aggressive of the two. Thus, it is more difficult to raise them
together in one single huge tank (preferably 8 - 9 fishes) as compared
to the Malaysia Gold. It is also protected by CITES, even thought it is
in more abundance in the wild. Apart from these, its tail, finagle and
lip color are very identical between these two types of golden
Green Arowana
The Green
Arowana is another type of Asian Arowana. It is commonly found in
Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia and Cambodia etc. Due to its wide
dispersion in the region, there can be differences in its appearance
and color. Most of the Green Arowana found here has a grayish green body
with a dark striped grayed green tail. Shape of this variety is a big
difference as compared to other varieties with its head or mouth portion
being larger and rounder. It is one of the cheapest types of Asian
Arowana, apart from Yellow Tail. However, one particular type of Greens
(those with a dark purplish core) are as exotic as any other varieties.
The Green Arowana, together with 1.5 or 2 Grade Reds, is popular among
countries like Thailand and Philippines because of its low price. Beside
this, many Japanese students also find it more affordable to own them
for the purpose of admiring the beauty and for experimental breeding of
these exotic fish.
Australian Arowana
are commonly 3 varieties of Australia Arowanas: Pearl, Spotted and Red.
Australia Pearl Arowana is Quite a beautiful Arowana and it is quite
similar to the Asian Arowana. Except that the Australia Pearl Arowana
have a smaller and more scales with red spots. Asian Arowana has 5 rows
(horizontially) of scales whereas the Australis Pearl has 7 rows or
scales. The color range from coppery-gold to gold color. The Pearl
Arowana have cresent-shape colored scales and the tail are usually black
color with small gold spots. It is normal to see the Arowana gulping at
the surface. The Australia Arowana are known to be very aggressive than
any other Arowana. It is not a protected species.
Spotted Arowana is nearly the same as the Pearl Arowana except that the
fins and tail are darker in color. The scales have a small rounded spot
instead of crescent-shape colored spot. Noticed the small red spot on
the scales. It is also not a protected species. Australia Red Arowana is
a very rare (at least in Singapore) and most beautiful Australia
Arowana. Its scales and fins are reddish-brown with very beautiful gold
color spot. Another rare Arowana is the Gold pearl Arowana which are
more yellowish and gold than the normal Australian Arowana.
Silver Arowana
Arowana come from the South America's Amazon River. It is quite similar
to the Black Arowana having the same tapered tail. Its scales and fins
are silver. It is not a protected species. There are extremely rare
Red-tail Silver Arowana and Snow Silver Arowana. It is not a protected
species. Silver Arowana can grow to about 47 inches which is the longest
Arowana of all. The silver Arowana is said to have a very large
appetite and also known to be the most gentle of all Arowanas.
Black Arowana
Black Arowana comes from the South America. When the Black Arowana is
young, its scales and fins are black with whitish to yellow strips. But
as it matures, the Black Arowana will slowly lose its color and turn to
grayish color. A Black Arowana can grow up to 40 inches if possible. It
is not a protected species.
African Arowana
Arowana originated from Africa and it is the most common Arowana
available. The African Arowana has a rounded head with smoother and
rounded jaws. The scales and its caudal fin (tail) are smaller, similar
to that of the Silver or Black Arowana. it is a filter fish which eat
mainly plankton, algae and even small fishes. When keep in aquarium, the
African Arowana will eat shrimps, fish pellets, bloodworms and other
tiny feeder fish. However, when fully grown, it look more like a Catfish
than an Arowana. It is not a protected species.
Last edited by Haji on Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
dunia ikan
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
pembataian dolpin taiji di jepang
THE COVE adalah sebuah film yang menunjukkan berbagai PEMBANTAIAN yang
sistematis terhadap lumba2 yang ada disana. Selain LUMBA - LUMBA Jepang
pun turut membantai MAMALIA PAUS yang cantik dan eksotis itu. katanya
sih hal ini sudah menjadi kebiasaan warga JEPANG. Ternyata setelah
diekspos dan dicari tahu lebih dalam, banyak warga JEPANG sendiri yang
belum mengetahui adanya PEMBANTAIAN tersebut, bahkan mereka tidak
mengetaui bahwa daging lumba - lumba dijual bebas disana.
Bercerita tentang RICHARD O`BARRY dan teamnya, beliau adalah seorang tokoh yang pertama kali melatih LUMBA - LUMBA untuk seni pertunjukkan yang merasakan bahwa perbuatannya pada jaman dahulu turut membantu menghancurkan keberadaan mamalia yang lucu dan pintar ini ke dalam industri hiburan yang sangat besar secara singkat selama 10 tahun. dan sampai saat ini dia terus berusaha untuk MENGHANCURKANNYA SENDIRI lebih dari 35 tahun. Ia tersadar ketika lumba - lumba hidung botol ke-5 dalam film FLIPPER yang bernama KATHY mati ditangannya sendiri, dan ia melihat bahwa industri hiburan lumba2 yang secara tidak langsung ia bantu, memiliki dampak yang sangat negatif.
LUMBA - LUMBA yang dikerangkeng, dan menjadi FIGUR seni PERTUNJUKKAN ternyata memiliki tingkat STRESS yang tinggi dan mudah mati. jadi kalau kita selama ini ketawa ketiwi melihat lucu dan serunya pertunjukkan ikan lumba2 di seaworld, hal ini SANGAT BERBEDA dengan yang dirasakan lumba - lumba. MEREKA SANGAT TERTEKAN DIBALIK SENYUMANNYA YANG LUCU DAN MENGGEMASKAN.
" Taiji adalah sebuah desa nelayan di Jepang menjadi terkenal dan menjadi sorotan dunia internasional, pasalnya desa Taiji selalu mengadakan perburuan lumba-lumba tahunan, 25.000 lumba-lumba tewas di perairan pantai antara bulan September dan April. Pembunuhan lumba-lumba sering disaksikan (dan kadang-kadang dibantu) oleh perwakilan dolphinariums Jepang. termasuk pelatih dan dokter hewan, se-ekor lumba-lumba dihargai lebih dari $ 150,000.Pemandangan yg mengerikan lumba-lumba disembelih di desa nelayan Taiji, sedikitnya 100 ekor lumba-lumba dan 50 paus pilot dibantai dalam perburuan musim pertama , yang dimulai pada awal September " (dikutip dari thread sebelah). Perburuan tahunan lumba-lumba dan paus masih terus berlanjut yg dilakukan oleh nelayan Taiji walaupun mendapat kecaman internasional. Bahkan LUMBA-LUMBA dijadikan sebagai menu favorit disana, sehingga PEMBANTAIAN LUMBA - LUMBA MERUPAKAN SUATU HAL YANG LUMRAH bahkan pemerintah setempat sempat memberikan sosialisasi MENU LUMBA - LUMBA dengan memberikan MAKAN SIANG GRATIS thdp anak sekolah dasar.
Video Pembantaian dolphin Taiji:
LUMBA - LUMBA juga dikenal sebagai PUNCAK dari RANTAI MAKANAN yang ada di dunia selain HIU, dan dengan kondisi laut yang sudah sangat tercemar ini berdampak pada tingginya tingkat kandungan MERCURY dalam tubuh lumba - lumba.
skema :
MERCURY di laut - plankton - ikan kecil - ikan sedang - ikan besar - LUMBA2 - (MANUSIA ???)
suatu penelitian membuktikan bahwa " researchers took hair samples from 30 male and 20 female residents of the Taiji area. In three cases, the levels of mercury present were more than 50 parts per million " jadi secara tidak sadar bahwa mereka yang makan lumba2 mendapatkan hadiah gratis berupa mercury yang sangat tinggi.
Bercerita tentang RICHARD O`BARRY dan teamnya, beliau adalah seorang tokoh yang pertama kali melatih LUMBA - LUMBA untuk seni pertunjukkan yang merasakan bahwa perbuatannya pada jaman dahulu turut membantu menghancurkan keberadaan mamalia yang lucu dan pintar ini ke dalam industri hiburan yang sangat besar secara singkat selama 10 tahun. dan sampai saat ini dia terus berusaha untuk MENGHANCURKANNYA SENDIRI lebih dari 35 tahun. Ia tersadar ketika lumba - lumba hidung botol ke-5 dalam film FLIPPER yang bernama KATHY mati ditangannya sendiri, dan ia melihat bahwa industri hiburan lumba2 yang secara tidak langsung ia bantu, memiliki dampak yang sangat negatif.
LUMBA - LUMBA yang dikerangkeng, dan menjadi FIGUR seni PERTUNJUKKAN ternyata memiliki tingkat STRESS yang tinggi dan mudah mati. jadi kalau kita selama ini ketawa ketiwi melihat lucu dan serunya pertunjukkan ikan lumba2 di seaworld, hal ini SANGAT BERBEDA dengan yang dirasakan lumba - lumba. MEREKA SANGAT TERTEKAN DIBALIK SENYUMANNYA YANG LUCU DAN MENGGEMASKAN.
" Taiji adalah sebuah desa nelayan di Jepang menjadi terkenal dan menjadi sorotan dunia internasional, pasalnya desa Taiji selalu mengadakan perburuan lumba-lumba tahunan, 25.000 lumba-lumba tewas di perairan pantai antara bulan September dan April. Pembunuhan lumba-lumba sering disaksikan (dan kadang-kadang dibantu) oleh perwakilan dolphinariums Jepang. termasuk pelatih dan dokter hewan, se-ekor lumba-lumba dihargai lebih dari $ 150,000.Pemandangan yg mengerikan lumba-lumba disembelih di desa nelayan Taiji, sedikitnya 100 ekor lumba-lumba dan 50 paus pilot dibantai dalam perburuan musim pertama , yang dimulai pada awal September " (dikutip dari thread sebelah). Perburuan tahunan lumba-lumba dan paus masih terus berlanjut yg dilakukan oleh nelayan Taiji walaupun mendapat kecaman internasional. Bahkan LUMBA-LUMBA dijadikan sebagai menu favorit disana, sehingga PEMBANTAIAN LUMBA - LUMBA MERUPAKAN SUATU HAL YANG LUMRAH bahkan pemerintah setempat sempat memberikan sosialisasi MENU LUMBA - LUMBA dengan memberikan MAKAN SIANG GRATIS thdp anak sekolah dasar.
Video Pembantaian dolphin Taiji:
LUMBA - LUMBA juga dikenal sebagai PUNCAK dari RANTAI MAKANAN yang ada di dunia selain HIU, dan dengan kondisi laut yang sudah sangat tercemar ini berdampak pada tingginya tingkat kandungan MERCURY dalam tubuh lumba - lumba.
skema :
MERCURY di laut - plankton - ikan kecil - ikan sedang - ikan besar - LUMBA2 - (MANUSIA ???)
suatu penelitian membuktikan bahwa " researchers took hair samples from 30 male and 20 female residents of the Taiji area. In three cases, the levels of mercury present were more than 50 parts per million " jadi secara tidak sadar bahwa mereka yang makan lumba2 mendapatkan hadiah gratis berupa mercury yang sangat tinggi.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Fish is a member of the vertebrate poikilotermik (cold blooded) [1] that live in water and breathe with gills. Fish is the most diverse vertebrate species of more than 27.000 worldwide. In taxonomy, fish belong to a paraphyletic group kekerabatannya relationship is still debated; usually fish without jaws were divided into fish (class Agnatha, 75 species including lampreys and fish Hags), cartilaginous fish (class Chondrichthyes, 800 species including sharks and rays), and the rest classified as hard bony fish (class Osteichthyes). Fish in various regional languages is called Iwak (jv, Bjn), jukut (vkt). Fish has a variety of sizes, ranging from whale sharks measuring 14 meters (45 ft) to stout infantfish that only 7 mm (about 1 / 4 inch). There are some aquatic animals that are often regarded as the "fish", such as whales, fish, squid and dugongs, which are not classified as fish. Table of contents [Hide]
* 1 Classification
* 2 Fish Ecology
* 3 Footnotes
* 4 See also
Classification Fish is parafiletik group: this means, every class that contains all the fish will also include non-fish tetrapod. On this basis, groupings such as the Class Pisces, as in the past, no longer fit for use. These are units that include all vertebrate fish commonly known as:
+ Subclass Pteraspidomorphi (not berahang primitive fish)
o Class Thelodonti
o Class Anaspida
o (no status) Cephalaspidomorphi (not berahang primitive fish)
+ (No status) Hyperoartia
# Petromyzontidae (lampreys)
o Class Galeaspida
o Class Pituriaspida
o Class Osteostraci
* Infrafilum Gnathostomata (vertebrates berahang)
o Class Placodermi (armored fishes, extinct)
o Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish: sharks, rays)
o Class Acanthodii (spiny sharks, extinct)
* Superclass Osteichthyes (bony fish true: cover nearly all important fish present)
o Class Actinopterygii (fan-finned fishes)
o Class Sarcopterygii (fleshy fins of fish / lobe finned fish)
+ Subclass Coelacanthimorpha (coelacanth)
+ Subclass Dipnoi (lung fishes)
Fish Ecology Fish can be found in almost all the "puddle" of water that are large both freshwater, brackish water or salt water at varying depths, from near surface to several thousand meters below the surface. However, hyper-saline lakes like the Great Salt Lake do not support fish. There are several species of fish cultivated for maintained to be exhibited in the aquarium. Fish are an important food source. Other aquatic animals, such as molluscs and crustaceans also sometimes regarded as a fish when used as a food source. Catch fish for food in small quantities or sports are often referred to as fishing. Results of fishing the world each year approximately 100 million tons. Overfishing is a term in English to explain the overfishing. This phenomenon is a threat to various species of fish. On May 15, 2003, the journal Nature reported that all species of large marine fish have been caught over the systematic until the number is less than 10% of existing total in 1950. The author article in the journal suggests a drastic reduction in fishing and marine habitat reservations worldwide. Footnotes
1. ^ Some tuna species to maintain body temperature, so it can not always be considered poikilotermik. Giant white sharks (Great White Shark) is the only fish that really endothermic (warm blooded).
vertebrate poikilotermik Vertebrates are subfilum of Chordata, include all animals that have a backbone composed of vertebrae. Vertebrata is the largest subfilum of Chordata. Vertebrates can be incorporated into all kinds of fish (except the ghostly, eel Jeung, "marine leech," or Hagfish), amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Except for the types of fish, vertebrates known to possess two pairs of legs. Vertebrates have a lot of the muscular system consists of paired masses, as well as central nervous system which is usually located in the spine. System respiration using gills or lungs. Table of contents [Hide]
* 1 Classification
* 2 External links
* 3 Footnotes
* 4 See also
[Edit] Classification Classification according to Janvier (1981, 1997), Shu et al. (2003), and Benton (2004). [1] Note that in it does not include ghostly, a type of sea fish but has no true vertebrae, so that not all fish are vertebrates. Signs "†" means "already extinct".
* Subfilum Vertebrata
o (no status) Hyperoartia (lampreys, including vertebrates not berahang)
o Class † Conodonta
+ Subclass Pteraspidomorphi †
o Class Thelodonti †
o Class Anaspida †
o Class Galeaspida †
o Class Pituriaspida †
o Class Osteostraci †
o Infrafilum Gnathostomata (vertebrates berahang)
* Class Placodermi (shield-headed fish from the Paleozoik) †
* Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish: sharks and rays)
* Class Acanthodii (spiny sharks from the Paleozoik) †
* Superclass Osteichthyes (bony fish true: cover nearly all important fish known to man)
* Class Actinopterygii (fan-finned fishes)
* Class Sarcopterygii (lobe finned fish / fin fleshy)
* Subclass Coelacanthimorpha (coelacanth)
* Subclass Dipnoi (lung fishes)
* Subclass Tetrapodomorpha (ancestor of all tetrapods)
* Superclass tetrapods (vertebrates bertungkai four)
* Class Amphibians
* Series amniotic (animal beramnion)
* Class Sauropsida (reptiles and birds)
* Class Aves (birds)
* Class Synapsida (reptile-like mammal)
* Class Mammalia (mammals)
External links
* Tree of Life
* Vertebrate Zoology
Footnotes ^ Benton, Michael J. (1 November 2004). Vertebrate Palaeontology (Third Edition ed.) Blackwell Publishing. pp. 455 pp .. ISBN 0632056371/978-0632056378.
* 1 Classification
* 2 Fish Ecology
* 3 Footnotes
* 4 See also
Classification Fish is parafiletik group: this means, every class that contains all the fish will also include non-fish tetrapod. On this basis, groupings such as the Class Pisces, as in the past, no longer fit for use. These are units that include all vertebrate fish commonly known as:
+ Subclass Pteraspidomorphi (not berahang primitive fish)
o Class Thelodonti
o Class Anaspida
o (no status) Cephalaspidomorphi (not berahang primitive fish)
+ (No status) Hyperoartia
# Petromyzontidae (lampreys)
o Class Galeaspida
o Class Pituriaspida
o Class Osteostraci
* Infrafilum Gnathostomata (vertebrates berahang)
o Class Placodermi (armored fishes, extinct)
o Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish: sharks, rays)
o Class Acanthodii (spiny sharks, extinct)
* Superclass Osteichthyes (bony fish true: cover nearly all important fish present)
o Class Actinopterygii (fan-finned fishes)
o Class Sarcopterygii (fleshy fins of fish / lobe finned fish)
+ Subclass Coelacanthimorpha (coelacanth)
+ Subclass Dipnoi (lung fishes)
Fish Ecology Fish can be found in almost all the "puddle" of water that are large both freshwater, brackish water or salt water at varying depths, from near surface to several thousand meters below the surface. However, hyper-saline lakes like the Great Salt Lake do not support fish. There are several species of fish cultivated for maintained to be exhibited in the aquarium. Fish are an important food source. Other aquatic animals, such as molluscs and crustaceans also sometimes regarded as a fish when used as a food source. Catch fish for food in small quantities or sports are often referred to as fishing. Results of fishing the world each year approximately 100 million tons. Overfishing is a term in English to explain the overfishing. This phenomenon is a threat to various species of fish. On May 15, 2003, the journal Nature reported that all species of large marine fish have been caught over the systematic until the number is less than 10% of existing total in 1950. The author article in the journal suggests a drastic reduction in fishing and marine habitat reservations worldwide. Footnotes
1. ^ Some tuna species to maintain body temperature, so it can not always be considered poikilotermik. Giant white sharks (Great White Shark) is the only fish that really endothermic (warm blooded).
vertebrate poikilotermik Vertebrates are subfilum of Chordata, include all animals that have a backbone composed of vertebrae. Vertebrata is the largest subfilum of Chordata. Vertebrates can be incorporated into all kinds of fish (except the ghostly, eel Jeung, "marine leech," or Hagfish), amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Except for the types of fish, vertebrates known to possess two pairs of legs. Vertebrates have a lot of the muscular system consists of paired masses, as well as central nervous system which is usually located in the spine. System respiration using gills or lungs. Table of contents [Hide]
* 1 Classification
* 2 External links
* 3 Footnotes
* 4 See also
[Edit] Classification Classification according to Janvier (1981, 1997), Shu et al. (2003), and Benton (2004). [1] Note that in it does not include ghostly, a type of sea fish but has no true vertebrae, so that not all fish are vertebrates. Signs "†" means "already extinct".
* Subfilum Vertebrata
o (no status) Hyperoartia (lampreys, including vertebrates not berahang)
o Class † Conodonta
+ Subclass Pteraspidomorphi †
o Class Thelodonti †
o Class Anaspida †
o Class Galeaspida †
o Class Pituriaspida †
o Class Osteostraci †
o Infrafilum Gnathostomata (vertebrates berahang)
* Class Placodermi (shield-headed fish from the Paleozoik) †
* Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish: sharks and rays)
* Class Acanthodii (spiny sharks from the Paleozoik) †
* Superclass Osteichthyes (bony fish true: cover nearly all important fish known to man)
* Class Actinopterygii (fan-finned fishes)
* Class Sarcopterygii (lobe finned fish / fin fleshy)
* Subclass Coelacanthimorpha (coelacanth)
* Subclass Dipnoi (lung fishes)
* Subclass Tetrapodomorpha (ancestor of all tetrapods)
* Superclass tetrapods (vertebrates bertungkai four)
* Class Amphibians
* Series amniotic (animal beramnion)
* Class Sauropsida (reptiles and birds)
* Class Aves (birds)
* Class Synapsida (reptile-like mammal)
* Class Mammalia (mammals)
External links
* Tree of Life
* Vertebrate Zoology
Footnotes ^ Benton, Michael J. (1 November 2004). Vertebrate Palaeontology (Third Edition ed.) Blackwell Publishing. pp. 455 pp .. ISBN 0632056371/978-0632056378.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Klasifikasi ilmiah | ||||||||||||||||
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Helostoma temminckii Cuvier, 1829 |
Fish tambakan (Helostoma temminckii) is one type of freshwater fish from tropical areas, specifically South-East Asia. These fish were originally came from Thailand to Indonesia [1] before being introduced to the world. This fish is also known by the name of the carp olfactory his habit of "kissing" when taking food from the surface of solid objects as well as a duel between fellow males. In Indonesia itself, this fish has many names like Bawan, biawan, until fish samarinda. [2] Table of contents
* 1 Anatomy and morphology
* 2 Habitat
* 3 Behavior
o 3.1 Food
o 3.2 Reproduction
o 3.3 Habit "Kissing"
* 4 Benefits to humans
* 5 References
Anatomy and morphology
Tambakan Fish have vertical flat-shaped body. Dorsal and fins analnya has a shape and size that is almost similar. Its own tail fin-shaped nearly round or convex leading to the outside, while his chest, amounting to a pair of fins are also shaped nearly round. On both sides there are lateral line, the pattern of thin lines that originated from the base of gill slit to base of tail fin. Approximately there are about 43-48 lateral line scales that make them. [3] The Fish tambakan known to grow to a size of 30 centimeters. [1]
One characteristic of fish tambakan is stretching his mouth. Characteristics that protrude into the front of his mouth to help him get food like moss from its place embedded. Her lips were covered by some sort of horned teeth, but teeth are not found in other parts of the mouth such as pharynx, premaksila, dentary, and palate. Fish also has a filter tambakan gills (gill meeting) that help filter out particles of food that go along with the water. [3]
There are two types of fish tambakan based on color, but they are still included within the same species: fish and fish tambakan tambakan green or pale pink. Later, there are also types of fish tambakan smaller than most tambakan fish and almost round in shape like a balloon. Genetic variation is the fish commonly known by the name "dwarf gourami kisser" or "pink balloon". [4] Habitat
Tambakan fish is a freshwater fish that are bentopelagik (live in between the surface and the region in the waters). Original region is the region where he lived mostly tropical waters are shallow, quiet-flowing, and there are many water plants. [1] Initially tambakan fish found only in freshwater waters of Southeast Asia, but later they spread throughout the warm temperate regions as an animal introduction. [4] Behavior Food
Tambakan fish are omnivorous fish that will eat almost any kind of food. The food is varied, ranging from algae, water plants, zooplankton, to the aquatic insects. Her lips are equipped with small teeth help him to take food from the surface of solid objects such as stones. [1] also has a filter tambakan Fish gills (gill meeting) to help filter out plankton from the water particles. When being pulled food stuck on the surface of solid objects using his mouth was, this fish to humans looks as if she were "kissing" the object. [4] Reproduction
Fish tambakan including an easy fish to breed. In the wild, in less than 15 months, minimum population they can grow up to twice the initial population. Tambakan own fish reproduction occurs when the period of his wedding season has arrived. [4] In Thailand for example, fish breeding season tambakan occurred between May to October.
Marriage between two different fish tambakan sexes occurs under a floating aquatic plants. Fish tambakan next female will release her eggs, which then float among water plants. Unlike other members of the suborder Anabantoidei, tambakan fish do not make a nest and keep the children so that children tambakan newly hatched fish has to be independent. A day after the first released into the water, the eggs will hatch and after about two days, kids fish can swim freely tambakan. [4] Habit "Kissing"
Fish tambakan also dubbed as the "kisser gourami" for his habit of wearing his lips to "kiss" other objects as well as other tambakan fish. Actually fish bena tambakan not really kiss. While we were kissing solid objects such as rocks, this fish is actually being undermined food stuck on the surface of solid objects. Tambakan male fish's mouth is also clashing with one another to assert supremacy over other males while keeping his domain. Behavior contest these lips never fatal, but in the catch, fish tambakan continuous male loses lip after fighting a duel to death due to stress. [5] Benefits to humans
Fish has long tambakan bring benefits to mankind. In its original territory in Southeast Asia, this fish is cultivated for its meat. Fish tambakan also commonly provoked in the wild. Later, fish tambakan become one of the freshwater ornamental fish commodities due to the unique shape and behavior. [1] As a result of its popularity as an ornamental fish, a large number of fish are still small tambakan exported to other countries such as Japan, Europe, America north, and Australia. [1] Reference
1. ^ Abcdef Helostoma temminkii, Kissing gourami
2. ^ Common Names List - Helostoma temminckii FishBase.
3. ^ A b "Helostomatidae" FishBase.
4. ^ A b c d e Kissing Gourami Aquatic Community.
5. ^ Axelrod, Herbert R. 1996. "Exotic Tropical Fishes." T.F.H. Publications.
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Category: Freshwater Fish
Madidihang atau tuna sirip kuning (Thunnus albacares) adalah sejenis ikan pelagis besar yang mengembara di lautan tropika dan ugahari di seluruh dunia. Ikan ini merupakan salah satu jenis tuna yang terbesar, meski masih kalah besar jika dibandingkan dengan tuna sirip biru dan tuna mata belo. Madidihang juga merupakan ikan tangkapan samudra yang penting karena bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Dalam perdagangan dunia, ikan ini dikenal sebagai yellowfin tuna (Ingg.) dan juga albacore (Pr. dan Sp.).
Sirip punggung (dorsal) terdiri dari dua berkas, terpisah oleh celah yang kecil saja; berkas yang kedua segera diikuti oleh 8–10 sirip-sirip tambahan berukuran kecil (finlet). Sirip anal diikuti oleh 7–10 finlet. Pada spesimen berukuran besar, sirip punggung kedua dan sirip anal ini kadang-kadang memanjang hingga 20% FL. Sirip dada (pectoral) lumayan panjang (22–31% FL), biasanya mencapai pangkal bagian depan sirip dorsal kedua, namun tidak melewati pangkal bagian belakangnya. Ada dua lipatan kulit (tonjolan interpelvis) di antara sirip-sirip perut. Batang ekor amat ramping, dengan sebuah lunas samping yang kuat di tiap-tiap sisi, yang masing-masing diapit oleh dua lunas yang lebih kecil.[1] Sirip ekor bercabang kuat (forked, bercagak).
Punggungnya berwarna biru gelap metalik, berangsur-angsur berubah menjadi kekuningan atau keperakan di bagian perut. Sirip-sirip punggung kedua dan anal, serta finlet-finlet yang mengikutinya, berwarna kuning cerah, yang menjadi asal namanya. Bagian perut kadang-kadang dihiasi oleh sekitar 20 garis putus-putus yang hampir vertikal arahnya.[1]
Madidihang dapat mencapai berat melebihi 300 pon (136 kg), walau demikian ini masih jauh di bawah tuna sirip biru (Thunnus orientalis) yang bisa memiliki berat lebih dari 1000 pon (454 kg), dan juga sedikit di bawah tuna mata belo (Thunnus obesus) dan tatihu (Thunnus maccoyii). Ukuran madidihang yang tercatat dalam literatur adalah hingga sepanjang 239 cm dan seberat 200 kg.
Tuna sirip kuning ini mempunyai kebiasaan berenang cepat dan bergerombol bersama ikan yang seukuran, kadang-kadang juga bercampur dengan tuna jenis lainnya. Musim berbiaknya berlangsung selama musim panas. Ikan-ikan ini memangsa aneka jenis ikan, krustasea, dan juga cephalopoda.[1] Di laut Halmahera dan Sulawesi, madidihang terutama memangsa ikan (malalugis dan teri), udang dan kepiting; dengan ikan malalugis (ikan layang) menempati porsi terbesar[2].
Indonesia adalah tempat bertemunya stok madidihang dari Samudra Hindia dan Samudra Pasifik; kemungkinan tempat pertemuan kedua kelompok itu adalah di sekitar Laut Flores dan Laut Banda.[3] Potensi tuna sirip kuning yang terbesar di Indonesia memang diperkirakan berada di Laut Flores dan Selat Makassar, dengan luas area penangkapan sekitar 605 ribu km². Alat tangkap yang banyak digunakan adalah pancing huhate (pole and line), pancing ulur (hand line), pancing rawai (long line) dan pukat cincin (purse seine).
Madidihang dipasarkan dalam bentuk ikan segar, tuna beku, atau dikalengkan[1]. Ikan ini digemari dalam berbagai macam masakan, termasuk untuk dipanggang dan dijadikan sashimi. Madidihang juga merupakan tantangan yang menarik bagi penggemar olahraga memancing.
Madidihang dewasa memiliki tubuh yang berukuran besar, dengan panjang dari ujung moncong hingga ujung percabangan sirip ekor (FL, fork length) mencapai 195 cm; namun umumnya hingga 150 cm. Bentuknya gilig panjang serupa torpedo (fusiform), agak memipih dari sisi ke sisi.[1]Sirip punggung (dorsal) terdiri dari dua berkas, terpisah oleh celah yang kecil saja; berkas yang kedua segera diikuti oleh 8–10 sirip-sirip tambahan berukuran kecil (finlet). Sirip anal diikuti oleh 7–10 finlet. Pada spesimen berukuran besar, sirip punggung kedua dan sirip anal ini kadang-kadang memanjang hingga 20% FL. Sirip dada (pectoral) lumayan panjang (22–31% FL), biasanya mencapai pangkal bagian depan sirip dorsal kedua, namun tidak melewati pangkal bagian belakangnya. Ada dua lipatan kulit (tonjolan interpelvis) di antara sirip-sirip perut. Batang ekor amat ramping, dengan sebuah lunas samping yang kuat di tiap-tiap sisi, yang masing-masing diapit oleh dua lunas yang lebih kecil.[1] Sirip ekor bercabang kuat (forked, bercagak).
Punggungnya berwarna biru gelap metalik, berangsur-angsur berubah menjadi kekuningan atau keperakan di bagian perut. Sirip-sirip punggung kedua dan anal, serta finlet-finlet yang mengikutinya, berwarna kuning cerah, yang menjadi asal namanya. Bagian perut kadang-kadang dihiasi oleh sekitar 20 garis putus-putus yang hampir vertikal arahnya.[1]
Madidihang dapat mencapai berat melebihi 300 pon (136 kg), walau demikian ini masih jauh di bawah tuna sirip biru (Thunnus orientalis) yang bisa memiliki berat lebih dari 1000 pon (454 kg), dan juga sedikit di bawah tuna mata belo (Thunnus obesus) dan tatihu (Thunnus maccoyii). Ukuran madidihang yang tercatat dalam literatur adalah hingga sepanjang 239 cm dan seberat 200 kg.
Madidihang merupakan ikan epipelagis yang menghuni lapisan atas perairan samudra di atas lapisan termoklin. Penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa meski madidihang kebanyakan mengarungi lapisan kolom air 100 m teratas, dan relatif jarang menembus lapisan termoklin, namun ikan ini mampu menyelam jauh ke kedalaman laut. Seekor madidihang yang diteliti di Samudra Hindia menghabiskan 85% waktunya di kedalaman kurang dari 75 m, namun tercatat tiga kali menyelam hingga kedalaman 578 m, 982 m dan yang paling ekstrim hingga 1.160 m.Tuna sirip kuning ini mempunyai kebiasaan berenang cepat dan bergerombol bersama ikan yang seukuran, kadang-kadang juga bercampur dengan tuna jenis lainnya. Musim berbiaknya berlangsung selama musim panas. Ikan-ikan ini memangsa aneka jenis ikan, krustasea, dan juga cephalopoda.[1] Di laut Halmahera dan Sulawesi, madidihang terutama memangsa ikan (malalugis dan teri), udang dan kepiting; dengan ikan malalugis (ikan layang) menempati porsi terbesar[2].
Penyebaran dan produksi
Madidihang ditemukan di seluruh perairan tropis dan ugahari dunia di antara garis lintang 40° LU dan 40° LS. Ikan ini merupakan komoditas nelayan yang penting; buku FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics melaporkan antara 1990 hingga 1995 tangkapan madidihang di perairan Pasifik barat-tengah berkisar antara 323.537 sampai 346.942 ton per tahun.[1]Indonesia adalah tempat bertemunya stok madidihang dari Samudra Hindia dan Samudra Pasifik; kemungkinan tempat pertemuan kedua kelompok itu adalah di sekitar Laut Flores dan Laut Banda.[3] Potensi tuna sirip kuning yang terbesar di Indonesia memang diperkirakan berada di Laut Flores dan Selat Makassar, dengan luas area penangkapan sekitar 605 ribu km². Alat tangkap yang banyak digunakan adalah pancing huhate (pole and line), pancing ulur (hand line), pancing rawai (long line) dan pukat cincin (purse seine).
Madidihang dipasarkan dalam bentuk ikan segar, tuna beku, atau dikalengkan[1]. Ikan ini digemari dalam berbagai macam masakan, termasuk untuk dipanggang dan dijadikan sashimi. Madidihang juga merupakan tantangan yang menarik bagi penggemar olahraga memancing.
Dalam perdagangan, yang disebut sebagai albacore dalam bahasa Inggris adalah jenis tuna yang lain, yakni tuna albakora (Thunnus alalunga). Ikan ini lebih kecil dari madidihang (hingga 120 cm FL), dengan pewarnaan yang mirip kecuali finletnya yang berwarna gelap. Sirip dada memanjang hingga melewati pangkal sirip punggung kedua, biasanya ujungnya mencapai finlet punggung yang kedua.Rujukan
- ^ a b c d e f Carpenter, Kent E. & Volker H. Niem. 2001. FAO Species Identification Guide: The Living Marine Resources of The Western Pacific. Vol. 6 : 3753. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
- ^ Balai Riset Perikanan Laut - Muara Baru. 2005. Riset kelimpahan sumberdaya ikan pelagis besar di laut Halmahera dan laut Sulawesi. (abstrak).
- ^ Nontji, A. 1987. Laut Nusantara. Penerbit Djambatan, Jakarta. Hal. 293
[sembunyikan] Kelompok-kelompok sumberdaya perikanan utama di Indonesia
Perairan bebas
Biota laut lainCumi-cumi (cumi-cumi, gurita, sotong) • Kepiting (kepiting bakau, rajungan) • Tiram (kerang darah) • Teripang • Udang (lobster, udang laut, udang ronggeng)
Belut sawah • Gurami • Lele dumbo • Mas • Mujair • Nila • Patin • Ikan hias (arwana, cupang, gupi, maskoki, sepat mutiara • selanjutnya...)
ikan arapaiman
Arapaima, pirarucu, atau paiche (Arapaima gigas) adalah jenis ikan air tawar terbesar di dunia yang berasal dari perairan daerah tropis Amerika Selatan. Ikan Arapaima dapat tumbuh maksimal sepanjang 3 meter dan berat 200 kilogram. Saat ini sudah sangat jarang terdapat arapaima yang berukuran lebih dari 2 meter karena ikan ini sering ditangkapi untuk dikonsumsi penduduk atau diekspor ke negara lain.
masakan telur ikan
Telur ikan merupakan merupakan makanan yang sangat disukai di berbagai belahan dunia.
Di Iran, misalnya, terdapat banyak sekali menu jenis telur ikan, beberapa diantaranya disebut ashpal atau ashbal, caviar, kuli, kulmeh. Menu tersebut dapat dihidangkan dalam bentuk segar tanpa dimasak untuk segera disantap, atau dimasak terlebih dahulu dengan berbagai cara seperti dipanggang, dibuat kare, dll. Selain untuk dikonsumsi juga digunakan untuk obat-obatan. Telur ikan terbang mengandung karagenan yang juga banyak di terkandung dalam rumput laut. Telur ikan yang besar memiliki potensi memproduksi protein rekombinan dalam jumlah banyak dan, untuk ikan yang hidup pada suhu air rendah seperti ikan salmon (sekitar 10 °C), mereka dapat digunakan untuk memproduksi protein yang tidak stabil pada suhu 37 °C.
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